Sniper Elite 3 always had a passing resemblance to Metal Gear Solid 5, and that's only become more pronounced in this latest instalment. In return, you're afforded some more devious moves yourself - you can dash while crouching, even if the soft ruffling of your slacks is going to draw a little more attention to yourself, and it's possible to booby trap a corpse by planting explosives on it. You're a more supple hero now, able to mantle ledges and drop down from one window to another, while your enemies are that little bit smarter. The shift up in scale has meant more of an emphasis on open-ended play, and a polishing of the underlying systems to make all that emergence seem a little more believable. Sandbox games such as this love throwing around grand statistics, so try this one on for size: the smallest level in Sniper Elite 4 is three times the size of the biggest one seen in its predecessor. It's afforded Rebellion some gorgeous locales - in a brief hands-off demo we're shown the bay, alongside a level set in sumptuous countryside under the imposing shadow of a grand viaduct - as well as a little more breathing space. The setting's switched up from the North Africa of Sniper Elite 3 to Italy just before its invasion in September 1943. This one could be a seriously good video game. Sniper Elite's evolved from guilty pleasure to reliably enjoyable entertainment.
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Cut free from the last generation of hardware - unlike Sniper Elite 3, this one's exclusive to Xbox One, PS4 and PC - it's looking mighty fine, even, all the rough edges that marked the series before smoothed out.

Sniper Elite, Rebellion's stealth action hybrid, is back, and it's looking more handsome than ever. At least we spared him the series' infamous nut shot. Crack goes the rifle, boom goes the barrel and the balcony soon comes tumbling down. Really, though, he should know better than to stand so close to a bright red barrel. He's recently signed up to the army to escape his abusive father, a little in-game text tells us as we train our sights on him, giving us brief pause for thought. Spare a thought for the poor soldier standing on the balcony of an opulent Italian townhouse, looking out over a sun-kissed bay that's radiant in pastel blues and deep terracotta reds.